Sony introduced Movie Studio HD 10, a somewhat gimped version of their famous Vegas software, a direct competitor to TE4 at a similar price point ($95 vs $100).
Time has a way of passing leaders by and it wasn't long before other consumer grade video editing software brought features that matched and surpassed those found in TE4. Unfortunately it seemed like the people at Pegasys, the company that brought us all the tmpg variants, were content to rest on their cans, as progress stagnated with regards to improvements to TE4, with just some bug fixes and support for some additional input formats being the only changes made. When encoding with main concept's h264, from within TE4, SSE4 allowed the E7400 to match the encoding performance of the phenom. In test after test, comparing a phenom 9500 (easily the crappiest quad core ever made and one of the top 10 biggest disappointments from a cpu stand point) to an E7400, when encoding mpeg-2, with SSE4, it was actually faster, by a convincing margin, than the phenom 9500. TE4 was also the first video related app, and to this day one of the few, to support SSE4 and what a difference that made. TMPG 4 Express was the first to support any type of CUDA acceleration, albeit only for mpeg-2 decoding and filtering, but if you had a high bit rate 1080i mpeg-2, that you wanted to de-interlace and convert to h264, it was worth it's weight in gold.
TMPGEnc Video Mastering Works 5, what a freaken name! For those of you that have been living under a rock or just couldn't give a flying "f" bomb, that is the name of the successor to TMPG 4 Express.